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B2B Companies Have Feelings, Too
It’s no secret that feelings and emotions influence consumers’ buying behavior. In fact, research shows that our emotional response to advertising has two to three times more influence on purchase intent than the content of the ad. That’s why brands pay billions of dollars each year on commercials and print ads aimed at tugging your…

We Need Some Space
…white space, that is. In design, white space is the breathing room in and around content. It doesn’t literally have to be white—it doesn’t even have to be totally empty. But regardless of whether it’s a color, a pattern or even a background image, it serves the same purpose: to provide a visual rest for…

Bucking the Trend
It’s hard not to fall for a good trend. All the cool kids are doing it, so why shouldn’t you? Marketers (even B2B marketers!) aren’t any less susceptible. The Internet is riddled with articles touting “the top 11 most exciting marketing trends for 2019 and beyond,” “the 3 trends every marketer should know” and “the…

Are You Ready for Some Super Bowl Commercials?
For some people, the commercial breaks during the Super Bowl are the highlight of the game. That may be especially true this year, as they helped add a little excitement to what some have called the worst Super Bowl ever. Despite tepid ratings and low viewership, the game was still watched by more than 98…

What’s Your Resolution?
Let’s talk about resolutions. You’ve probably heard—and maybe even made—some of these common resolutions: Lose weight. Get organized. Quit smoking. Travel more. But how about pixels per inch? Or dots per inch? If you’re not familiar with those last two, don’t worry…because those are the resolutions we’re here to talk about. Resolution refers to the…

Should Old Blog Posts Be Forgot…
As 2018 draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting upon the year gone by. The highs, the lows…the good, the bad…and of course the most-read blog posts. So before our auld gets too lang syned, we wanted to share with you our top ten most-read posts of 2018. Not all of them were written…

Social Media Strategies for a Troubled World
Since social media became a popular marketing tool for companies, we have advocated having a plan. Determine where, when and what to post. Create a content calendar (and stick to it!). Automate what you can. Our one caveat has always been this: be aware of what’s going on in the world around you, and be…

Not Everything is a Nail: A Client’s Guide to Creative Tools
Psychologist Abraham Maslow once wrote, “I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.” Applying that concept to your marketing materials, you may find yourself tempted to use the software you have at hand to create a brochure, sell sheet, flyer,…

Under the Influence(r)
Influencer marketing makes a lot of sense in business-to-consumer circles. Getting a lifestyle blogger with millions of followers to rave about a shoe brand will certainly help sell more shoes. But let’s face it—that same blogger talking about your ERP software, flexible manufacturing processes or power generation capabilities won’t have the same impact. That’s not…