Pop Quiz: Grammar
Our head copywriter finds it difficult to pass up a grammar quiz. She took this one published by The Huffington Post last night, and missed three. Can you beat her?
Here she defends her grammar missteps:
2. Oh, come on…who uses “effect” as a transitive verb?
4. I refuse to accept this…LITERALLY.
13. Technically, either is correct:
- “The Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage writers note that their research shows ‘disinterested’ taking on the additional meaning of ‘uninterested'” (http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/disinterested-versus-uninterested)
- “disinterested appears almost twice as often as uninterested, and a quick scan shows that disinterested is frequently used to mean uninterested.” (http://www.vocabulary.com/articles/chooseyourwords/disinterested-uninterested/)
…and by now, unless you’re also a grammar geek, you’re probably uninterested (or is that disinterested?)!