Marketing Trends for 2016
Recently, we asked our customers, prospects and social media followers to help us determine marketing trends for this year by answering a 3-question survey. Here’s what they had to say:
Marketing Trends: Revenue Growth
Question 1: What percent of revenue growth are you trying to achieve for 2016?
Thirty-one percent of respondents (including those who answered “other”) are aiming for 30% or greater growth in revenue this year. Tweet this stat
Marketing Trends: Marketing Initiatives
Question 2: What are the top 3 marketing initiatives you believe will help you accomplish your 2016 growth goal?
Not surprisingly, initiatives related to branding/messaging and sales made a lot of respondents’ lists, as did tactics related to search engine optimization, pay-per-click and website improvements. Tweet this stat
Marketing Trends: Success Tracking
Question 3: What are the top 3 tools you use for tracking your marketing success?
The tools used to track the success of marketing range from free tools like Google Analytics to costly email marketing and automation programs—and some respondents reported that they aren’t tracking marketing success at all. Tweet this stat
Emerging Marketing has some exciting initiatives planned for 2016 to meet our lead generation and nurturing goals, including implementing a new marketing automation tool and revamping our web site. And of course our biggest goal is to help our B2B clients meet their marketing goals for the coming year.
We want to hear from you! How do these responses compare to the marketing efforts your company has planned for 2016? Need help meeting your 2016 business or marketing goals? Leave us a comment below or contact us!